Fairy Stone Specimens
Used for good luck, protection, and personal prosperity. The fairy stone is a combination of calcium carbonate and clay, these stones were named by the Algonquin tribe in Northern Quebec, with many uses within tribes, these stones are found in ancient glacial deposits. These particular specimens are from the Hurricane River in Quebec, Canada.
Gifting a fairy stone is a symbol of a personal bond you hold with that person. Carrying fairy stones were used for wealth and abundance by tribesmen.
Fairy stones are also notable for their protective ward, repelling evil spirits and malevolent gods. Parents would put fairy stones underneath the pillows of their children to ward of bad dreams.
Fairy stones are notable for the swirling pattern, and are generally a gray, off-white color, but can even be beige or brown.
Your fairy stone will look similar to, though not exact, to the pictured specimens.